Edo Partners USAID, JHPIEGO to Empower Health Workers in Enhancing Maternal and Child Healthcare

The Edo State Government, in partnership with the John Hopkins Programme for International Education in Gynaecology and Obstetrics (JHPIEGO) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), has organized an impactful workshop to train front-line health workers in improving the quality of maternal and child healthcare within the State.

The Commissioner for Health, Prof. Obehi Akoria, expressed gratitude to USAID on behalf of the State Government, emphasizing the importance of this training as a remarkable opportunity for capacity building in their primary healthcare centers. This collaboration is a testament to the dedication of USAID in advancing healthcare in Benin City.

Prof. Akoria called upon USAID and the partnering organizations to closely monitor the workshop’s effectiveness to ensure the desired goals in maternal and child healthcare delivery are achieved.

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The participants were encouraged to leverage the knowledge and skills gained from the training to conduct quality improvement projects at well-selected learning sites, utilizing the proven Quality Improvement (QI) process in the State.

The distressing numbers regarding maternal and child mortality rates in Nigeria were highlighted, with rates of 512 per 100,000 live births for maternal mortality, 67 per 1,000 live births for infant mortality, 38 per 1,000 live births for neonatal mortality, and 132 per 1,000 live births for under-5 mortality, according to the NDHS 2018.

The workshop’s objectives included educating participants on the World Health Organization’s (WHO) quality of care standards, the Maternal Newborn and Child Health (MNCH) framework for improving quality care in health facilities, and building the skills of State and LGA managers to oversee the start-up and continuous support of high-level care through clinical mentoring and peer-to-peer learning.

Mr. Aminu Selisu Adamu, a Scientific Officer I at the National Primary Healthcare Development Agency (NPHDA), stressed the crucial role that quality of care plays in the healthcare delivery system. Their collaboration aims to support the State in taking ownership and prioritizing maternal and child healthcare delivery within Edo.

During the workshop, Dr. Victor Fatimehin, a public health physician, delivered a lecture on the “Strategy on Quality Improvement of Care and Quality of Care.” He emphasized the need for continuous training, such as this workshop, to achieve improved quality healthcare in the State and enhance effective service delivery among healthcare workers.

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