IG of Police Lauds Obaseki for Putting Infrastructure, Security First


The governor of Edo State has received praise from Inspector General of Police Usman Alkali Baba for putting the safety of people and property first by making investments in infrastructure that will improve policing throughout the State.

During the commissioning of a network of roads, blocks of classrooms, multipurpose barrack accommodations, school auditorium, and dormitories built by the Edo State Government to strengthen the institution’s capacity to deliver on its mandate, the police chief gave the commendation on Saturday at the Police Training School, Ogida Barracks, Benin City.

Governor Obaseki also donated a renovated place of worship, an overhead tank and power generator, a block of six apartments for police officers at the Zone 5 Police Command in the State, and a block of bathrooms and toilets. The clinic was located within the training school.

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The blocks of classrooms will increase the training school’s carrying capacity to accommodate more trainees, while the network of roads built by the Edo State Government will enhance access to the facility, according to the Inspector General of Police.

“Having been here previously, I can definitely notice the enhancement in the training school’s facilities accessibility,” he remarked.

He went on to say that the Police Institution recognizes that security is everyone’s concern and emphasized how important it is to provide classrooms, dormitories, and assembly halls in order to meet the welfare needs of police officers.

Governor Obaseki stated: “For us in Edo, our focus is our people.” This was his justification for the multimillion naira investment in the facilities. We are concentrating on laying the groundwork that will support ongoing efforts to protect people and property in the State because security is ultimately about people.”

He gave his guest a tour of the Command and Control Center, among other facilities, and mentioned that the Inspector General of Police has dedicated himself to reconstructing police infrastructure throughout the nation since taking office.

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