Shaibu Facilitates Crucial Dialogue to Resolve NPDC-Community Dispute

Rt. Hon. Philip Shaibu
On July 5, 2022, Acting Governor Philip Shaibu convened a strategic meeting with NPDC officials, community representatives, and stakeholders to address the ongoing standoff between the Nigerian Petroleum Development Company and host communities.
The meeting aimed to resolve the recruitment policy dispute that led to a protest and shutdown of NPDC operations. Shaibu emphasized the need for a collaborative approach to achieve Edo State’s vision of becoming Nigeria’s investment hub.
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“We envision Edo State as a thriving economic epicenter, attracting federal and international companies to establish their headquarters and operations here,” Shaibu said.
“To achieve this, we must foster a receptive community that benefits from public awareness and understands their rights and privileges.”
Community leaders presented a document outlining their demands, including a reasonable workforce percentage for host communities, appointment of a Benin Chief Security Officer, scholarships, and skill acquisition centers.
Shaibu ensured a mutually beneficial resolution, ordering the immediate reopening of NPDC’s premises and scheduling a follow-up meeting to address the issues raised.

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